How many bricks per square foot? | How many bricks in a square foot in 9" and 4.5" wall? -lceted LCETED INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS

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May 19, 2022

How many bricks per square foot? | How many bricks in a square foot in 9" and 4.5" wall?

How many bricks in a square foot | How to Calculate the Number of Bricks Per Square Foot | how many bricks per square foot | How to calculate the number of Bricks per 10 Square Foot | how do I find the number of bricks in the 9-inch brick wall and How to calculate bricks in 9-inch wall for 1 sqft | how do I find the number of bricks in the 4-inch brick wall and How to calculate bricks in the 4-inch wall for 1 sqft | How many bricks in 8-inch (8”) wall - US standard


In this article, we explained how many bricks in 1 square foot (sqft) 10 sqft, 50 sqft, and 100 square feet for a 9” brick wall.


We know that bricks have irregular shapes and sizes and their dimensions vary according to different countries, but in this article, we measured the Indian standard size of a brick and the American standard modular brick size used in the standard calculation.


Brick Size used in the construction

Indian standard size of brick have dimension 9″× 4.5″×3″

US standard size of brick has dimension 8” × 3 5/8” × 2 ¼” in. (203 × 92 × 57 mm).


Mortar thickness

The thickness of cement mortar in brickwork is about 0.4″ to 0.5″ (10 to 12 mm)


Let’s dive

First, we find, how many bricks in a 9-inch (9”) wall - Indian standard

The thickness of the brick wall = 9” - 0.75’

Size of one brick = 9″× 4.5″×3″ > feet > 0.75’ x 0.383’ x 0.25’

Consider, Thickness of mortar = 0.4 inch = 12 mm

By adding the thickness of the mortar

Length of Bricks in meter (L) = 9” + 0.4” = 9.4” - 0.783’

Width of Bricks in meter (W) = 4.5” + 0.4” = 4.9” - 0.4083’

Thickness of Bricks in meter (T) = 3” + 0.4” = 3.4” - 0.283’

Size of the brick with mortar in feet = 0.783’ x 0.4083’ x 0.283’

Volume of brick wall of each Brick in CFT= L x W x H = 0.783’ x 0.4083’ x 0.283’ = 0.09047 cft


How many bricks in 1 sq ft (square feet) for the 9-inch brick wall?

Area of brickwork = 1 sqft

Volume of 1 sqft brick work = Area × thickness of the brick wall

Volume of 1 sqft brick work = 1 sqft × 0.75

Volume of 1 sqft brick work = 0.75 cft


No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = Volume of 1 sqft brickwork / Volume of one brick with mortar

No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = 0.75/0.09047

No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = 8.29 nos bricks

Considering, 5 to 10% wastage of brick during transportation and storage

10% wastage brick = 0.829 nos

Total number bricks in 1 sqft = 8.29 + 0.829 = 9.119 – 10 nos


How many bricks in 1 sqft for the 9-inch brick wall?

10 nos in 1 square foot for 9 inches thick or double/ full brick wall

Also read:

1.  Thumb rule - How to calculate the number of Bricks per Square meter (m2)


2.  Thumb rule - How many bricks are in 1 cum?


3.  Thumb rule - How many bricks are in 1 CFT?


4.  How Do I Calculate Brick, Sand And Cement In Brick Masonry using EXCEL?

5.  How to calculate Weight Of Bricks Per Sqm? 


How many bricks in 10 sq ft (square feet) for the 9-inch brick wall?

Area of brickwork = 1 sqft

Volume of 10 sqft brick work = Area × thickness of the brick wall

Volume of 10 sqft brick work = 10 sqft × 0.75

Volume of 10 sqft brick work = 7.5 cft


No. of bricks in 10 square feet (sqft) = Volume of 10 sqft brickwork / Volume of one brick with mortar

No. of bricks in 10 square feet (sqft) = 7.5/0.09047

No. of bricks in 10 square feet (sqft) = 82.90 nos bricks

Considering, 5 to 10% wastage of brick during transportation and storage

10% wastage brick = 8.29 nos

Total number bricks in 10 sqft = 82.9 + 8.29 = 91.19 – 100 nos


How many bricks in 10 sqft for the 9-inch brick wall?

100 nos in 10 square feet for 9 inches thick or double/ full brick wall


How many bricks in 100 sq ft (square feet) for the 9-inch brick wall?

Area of brickwork = 100 sqft

Volume of 100 sqft brick work = Area × thickness of brick wall

Volume of 100 sqft brick work = 100 sqft × 0.75

Volume of 100 sqft brick work = 75 cft

How much cement, sand, and bricks are needed for 1 sqft and 1 cft brickwork?

No. of bricks in 100 square feet (sqft) = Volume of 100 sqft brickwork / Volume of one brick with mortar

No. of bricks in 100 square feet (sqft) = 75/0.09


No. of bricks in 10 0square feet (sqft) = 829.0 nos bricks

Considering, 5 to 10% wastage of brick during transportation and storage

10% wastage brick = 82.9 nos

Total number bricks in 10 sqft = 829 + 82.9 = 911.9 – 1000 nos


How many bricks in 100 sqft for 9-inch brick wall?

1000 nos in 10 square foot for 9 inches thick or double/ full brick wall


How many bricks in a 4-inch (4”) wall - Indian standard

The thickness of brick wall = 4.5”- 0.375’


How many bricks in 1 sq ft (square feet) for the 4.5-inch brick wall?

Area of brickwork = 1 sqft

Volume of 1 sqft 4.5” brickwork wall = Area × thickness of the brick wall

Volume of 1 sqft 4.5” brickwork wall = 1 sqft × 0.375

Volume of 1 sqft 4” brickwork wall = 0.375 cft


No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = Volume of 1 sqft brickwork / Volume of one brick with mortar

No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = 0.375/0.09047

No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = 4.145 nos bricks

Considering, 5 to 10% wastage of brick during transportation and storage

10% wastage brick = 0.4145 nos

Total number bricks in 1 sqft = 4.145 + 0.4145 = 4.559 – 5 nos


How many bricks in 1 sqft for the 4.5-inch brick wall?

5 nos in 1 square foot for 4.5 inches thick or single brick wall


How many bricks in 10 Sqft for the 4.5-inch brick wall?

1 sqft 4″ brick wall have 5 brick. Therefore For 10 sqft we should multiple 5 × 10 = 50 number of bricks.


How many bricks in 100 Sqft for the 4.5-inch brick wall?

1 sqft 4″ brick wall have 5 brick. Therefore For 100 sqft we should multiple 5 × 100 = 500 bricks.


How many bricks in 1000 Sqft for the 4-inch brick wall?

1 sqft 4″ brick wall have 5 brick. Therefore For 1000 sqft we should multiple 5 × 1000 = 5000 number of bricks.


How many brick per square foot?


How many bricks in an 8-inch (8”) wall - US standard

US standard size of brick has dimensions 8” × 3.625” × 2.25” in. (203 × 92 × 57 mm).

The thickness of brick wall = 8” - 0.667’

Size of one brick = 8” × 3.625” × 2.25” in. (203 × 92 × 57 mm).

Consider, Thickness of mortar = 0.4 inch = 12 mm

By adding the thickness of the mortar

Length of Bricks in meter (L) = 8” + 0.4” = 8.4” - 0.7 ’

Width of Bricks in meter (W) = 3.625” + 0.4” = 4.025” - 0.335’

Thickness of Bricks in meter (T) 2.25” + 0.4” = 2.45” - 0.204’

Size of the brick with mortar in feet = 0.7’ x 0.335’ x 0.204’

Volume of brick wall of each US Brick in CFT= L x W x H = 0.7’ x 0.335’ x 0.204’= 0.047838 cft

Volume of brick work of each US Brick in CFT= 1 sqft x 0.667 = 0.667 cft


No. of bricks in 1 square feet (sqft) = Volume of 1 sqft brickwork / Volume of one brick with mortar = 0.667/0.047838 = 13.942 nos


Considering, 5 to 10% wastage of brick during transportation and storage

10% wastage brick = 1.39 nos

Total number bricks in 1 sqft = 13.942 + 1.39 = 15.332 – 16 nos


How many bricks in 1 sqft (square feet) of 8 inches US brick wall?

16 nos in 1 square foot for 8 inches thick or double/ full brick wall of US brick wall


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