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Jul 15, 2024

Understanding RFQs, RFPs, and RFIs in Construction - Lceted

15 July 0
Understanding RFQs, RFPs, and RFIs in Construction In the construction industry, the use of Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and Requests for Information (RFIs) is crucial for project success. These requests help project owners, general contractors, and specialty contractors gather necessary information about design, qualifications, and feasibility at different…
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Jun 23, 2024

Guide to Estimating Construction Costs - lceted

23 June 0
Estimating construction costs is a big deal when it comes to building projects. It's all about figuring out how much money you'll need, considering everything from materials and labor to equipment depreciation and office expenses. This guide breaks down the essential steps in the estimating process, emphasizing the importance of accuracy and giving you practical insights for each stage. …
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Jun 20, 2024

Calculating AHU Tonnage for Commercial Fit outs

20 June 0
Accurately calculating the Air Handling Unit (AHU) tonnage is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment in commercial spaces. This guide will walk you through the detailed process of calculating AHU tonnage, including important considerations and a helpful thumb rule table for quick reference.
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Jun 19, 2024

Understanding Commercial Fitout Power Load Calculations - Lceted

19 June 0
Commercial fitout power load calculations are a critical component of planning and designing any commercial space. These calculations ensure that the electrical infrastructure is capable of supporting the intended use of the space, providing both safety and efficiency. Here’s an overview of how these calculations are typically performed.
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Jun 16, 2024

Managing Change Orders in Construction: A Comprehensive Guide

16 June 0
Completing a change order correctly minimizes risk, improves the chances of approval, and helps contractors get paid faster. This guide contains information on how to fill out a change order form, key details to include, and pitfalls to avoid during the change order process. Table of Contents What is a Change Order? Changing the Scope of Work Six Key Elements of a Change Orde…
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General Conditions in Construction: A Contractor’s Guide

16 June 0
General Conditions in Construction: A Contractor’s Guide Introduction In construction, general conditions refer to various operations, procedures, and indirect costs essential for successfully executing a project but not directly tied to construction tasks. These conditions include project management, temporary site facilities, safety compliance, and waste removal, among others, and are…
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